Women's Caucus Intersectional Prize Winner for 2024:
Faith Barringer: “French Atlantic Portraiture, Creolization, and the Construction of Race.”
Faith Barringer: “French Atlantic Portraiture, Creolization, and the Construction of Race.”
The Women’s Caucus Intersectional Prize
Deadline: January 15, 2025 Prize: $1000 The Women’s Caucus Intersectional Prize is an annual award made by the ASECS Women’s Caucus to encourage and recognize excellent intersectional scholarship on gender, race, and any additional intersectional dimensions (e.g., indigeneity, empire, sexuality, or class) with a focus on women in the eighteenth century. A required element of this intersectional approach includes a focus on women, gender fluid, and/or non-binary persons. Projects typically fall within the period of 1660-1820 though projects spanning a longer time period will also be considered. The prize is open to all members of ASECS for projects-in-progress and carries a cash award of $1000. The award will be publicly announced at the annual ASECS meeting Women's Caucus luncheon. Historically, the award winner has served on the award selection committee for the subsequent year. Within a year of the award announcement the winner must submit to the caucus chairs a brief written report on the progress of the project. Then the winner will receive a check or direct deposit from the ASECS office. Award winners should acknowledge this grant’s support in the publication that results from the project. Applications must include a two-page curriculum vitae with items relevant to the project submitted for prize consideration; a three-to-four-page proposal outlining the project; a two-page bibliography of pertinent works; and a budget explaining the candidate’s plan for using the funds for the project. Please submit your application here |
Past Winners